Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost Christmas

About 10 years ago - maybe longer - a nice lady came to my church and showed us how to make Anglican Prayer Beads. Something really happened to me as I sat there quietly stringing beads. It was the same feeling that comes on me when I serve at Communion. I still have that wonderful feeling of being surrounded by love. That's the best I can do to describe it.

Lately I've been twittering the daily office from a variety of Anglican and Catholic resources on line. I hope you are enjoying this because I sure am! You know there is a way to incorporate this with your prayer beads. As you read the office and open your heart does something hold your attention? Is there a sentence or phrase that catches your eye? Hold that thought and repeat it. Meditate on it. You will be practicing a simple form of Lecto Divina.

Here's some resources for you:
and another is:

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