Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Being Christian is a path, or better: a pilgrimage, a walk together with Jesus Christ," underlined the Holy Father at Palm Sunday Mass on an extraordinary spring morning in Rome. He said it is in this communion on the path towards Jerusalem that we find our way to the "new City of God."

This Sunday we celebrated the Blessing of the Palms and we participated in the reading of the Gospel.  I have been to so many Palm Sundays but this one was particulary lovely.  A bright sunny morning greeted us with just a little more wind than we needed.   But as the people arrived and we crowded together it wasn't so uncomfortable.  Once the Palms had been blessed we followed the procession into the Church.

I love the words of Pope Benedict when he calls this experience a pilgrimage. This week offers so many opportunities and every one of them will support us on our pilgrimage. 

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